Mike continues, “CI is the practice where developers merge code to the main branch frequently, and automated tools build and test the code after every merge.” Let’s…
If I was starting a new service or company today, the first thing I would do is implement CI/CD with a Hello World example, and…
Last week, I left us the problem of powering the future without destroying the environment. Destroying the environment can mean carbon pollution, and nuclear…
Software eats the world and delivers itself as the message. It’s eating the world in new and fantastic ways. HelionEnergy.com uses software to control processes…
Let’s talk about you today. I want to see you grow. I have high hopes and expectations for the people I attract to this…
I would like to discuss importance of tests in a software test suite. For the software development world, tests are how a developer (and the…
Software is still eating the world. Software is the Medium. Software is the Message.
Let’s have an upbeat and positive and encouraging blog: each post, about 300 words, is easily tweetable, geeky. I’m looking for hope, and love, and…