Let’s have an upbeat and positive and encouraging blog: each post, about 300 words, is easily tweetable, geeky. I’m looking for hope, and love, and truth, and wonder and security
I also want my text to be dense like you’re not going to get it the first read through or maybe *you will*.
So, Happy New Year’s! It’s great you made it through last year. And now we’re at the start of another year. You deserve the best topics like
- Software development
- What will AI be after Neural Nets have run their course?
- What will Neural Nets be after it’s no longer considered “AI” but merely a tool in a programmer’s belt.
- Quantum computing
- nanomaterials like graphene, though there’s dozens more than that now
- software is eating the world
- get busy living or get busy dying
- Can we compile code to a NN? Or take a NN and turn it into linear code?
- Astro physics,
- Optimism in tech developments
- Programming
- Plus dealing with depression
- And looking for ways to cure the damage done in brains that are no longer elastic
- All while being a Christian
All these topics and more in the year ahead.
So, I want you to know that you’re worth more than you can imagine.
You be you!
To hear about all these, make sure to subscribe to the mailing list!