I know a good “no” can free up time and resources for the important.
I need to say yes to my kids.
I need to say yes to books I want to read.
I need to say yes to exercising.
I need to say yes to my wife.
I need to say yes to saving for retirement.
I need to say yes to products that will massively improve my life.
I need to say yes to weight loss.
The Siren’s Song of social media disrupts those yesses because it’s so much easier.

I need to say yes to that big project that will advance my career at work.
I need to say yes to meeting new people at work.
I need to say yes to breaking tasks down into smaller tasks.
I need to say yes to Pomodoros.
I need to say yes to speaking up in meetings.
I need to say yes to writing designs to explain my thinking.
I need to say yes to the most valuable task I could do now.
Email, slack, and the open web call me away. Fear and anxiety resist the initiation of any of those yesses.